
Vinyl Tips About Desk Pads

The Vinyl Desk Pad is designed using upholstery vinyl that comes in a wide range of colors. This vinyl is unique in that it contains chlorine which not only makes it more environmentally friendly than other synthetic polymers but an extremely durable, hygienic, and flame resistant product. For more about vinyl, see Facts.

This makes our desk pads ideal for hospitals and healthcare facilities or anywhere else where vinyl products are chosen because of their antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. If you want your desk pad to be durable, protected, and hygenic, but refuse to sacrifice on design and quality, then this is the desk pad for you.

As tough as this vinyl is, it’s a supple and versatile product that feels good to the touch. It feels so good that you won’t be able to tell from looking at it that its abrasion and stain resistance has been dramatically improved. And what’s more, the unique process for infusing antimicrobial agents throughout the vinyl means they not only retain their great looks and they are tough against mildew, fungal growth, and microbial deterioration.

Taking Care of The Vinyl Desk Pad

For Dirt and Grime:  Use mild soap and water, then freshwater rinse. Cleaning frequency depends on use. As a minimum, please clean weekly.

For Stubborn Stains: Crayon, eye shadow, chocolate, blood. Wipe using a soft cloth or soft brush. Use detergent cleaners such as Formula 409 or Fantastik. Rinse with clean water and wipe dry..

Vinyl Facts About Desk Pads

It is a popular misconception in our industry and amongst our customers that a vinyl desk pad – or any vinyl product for that matter – cannot be as soft and as pliable as a leather desk pad. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Vinyl is plastic, but it is unlike other plastics in one very important sense.

You might already know that vinyl is basically plastic produced by converting hydrocarbon-based raw materials (like crude oil) into unique synthetic products called polymers. What you might not know is that, unlike other plastics, vinyl is also composed of salt.

Discovered by accident in the 1920s by Waldo Semon, the vinyl polymer was unlike other plastic commodities in that it contained chlorine (derived from common salt) in addition to carbon and hydrogen. This not only gave vinyl its flame retardant property but its soft and pliable nature.

Chlorine and Ethylene
The creation of vinyl is a two-step process. In the first step, ethylene and chlorine are combined to form ethylene dichloride which, in turn, is transformed into a gas called vinyl chloride monomer.

The last step, polymerization, converts the monomer into the vinyl polymer, a fine-grained, white powder or resin known as polyvinyl chloride, or simply “vinyl.”

Once certain chemical additives and modifiers are added, the resulting material — a vinyl compound — can be converted into an almost limitless range of soft or hard products.

For more information on vinyl visit:  Vinyl.Org – The Vinyl Portal